Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Yoga Beginnings

My flexibility has always be subpar, it's a mix of hating to stretch and inherited inability to sit "cris-cross applesauce".  So I have decided to teach myself some basic yoga moves in hopes of stretching, strengthening, and toning the muscles that don't like to budge.

My first attempt was yesterday evening after work, I laid out a beach towel, turned on my fan, and began by reading the description of a pose and then tried it. I have never been one to breathe correctly when I work out so I really focused on calming, deep breathes. I worked through 6-7 poses before I was interrupted by Chad's early arrival home from work.

If this would have happened in any other work out, I would have been frustrated but the breathing techniques I practiced with each pose had me so calm, I was happy with the progress I had made and was truly happy to have Chad home. (Like I should be!)

The moves are not easy but my muscles felt so good when I was finished and I was at peace. I have a problem of thinking too much and this workout was great not only for my body but my mind as well. I think yoga will be good for me to be able to focus on one thing, I always have about 30 things running in my head and it's not like I am busy. I am just a worrier and as I work from home, sometimes not having anyone to talk makes my mind run even more.

And when I work out, I am usually thinking about getting it over with or what else needs to be done. But doing these yoga poses that are difficult forced me to only think about keeping my pose correct and breathing.

So even though I haven't taken a class yet and don't plan to until I get a little better at the basic moves, I am sold.

I used the Best Yoga for Women slideshow from Women's Health and will continue with this to master these moves. My plan is to do 10-15 minutes of this a day as a supplement to my walking. I am also hoping that yoga will help with some of the pain that I incur while I run and will allow me to get back to training for some races, as that is at a stand still for now.

I think the yoga will help release some of the mental frustration I am encountering as a result of not being able to run like I want too. I hope.

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