Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Simple Pleasures: Cards from My Mom

I got the cutest card from my Mom today, if I wrote about each card she sent me it entry would start out this way. Cutest, sweetest, nicest, most thoughtful, I'm lucky, I have a Mother that loves to write and shares how much she loves me whenever she can.

I also enjoy the Mary Engelbreit clip outs she sends me. She often writes who the illustration refers to and they always brighten my day. I have kept every single one she has ever sent me. They are now in various places but I bet I have over 100 and 98 of them are different. She's only duplicated one illustration. Amazing.

Mom always says that when she writes a letter it's like having a conversation with the person she is writing too. I feel the same way. I don't write much snail mail but when I do I feel more connected to the person I am writing to without them even realizing it. I think if more people wrote letters again friendly connections would deepen. Yes, email is irreplaceable but so is the smile that a piece of mail, a hand-written letter puts on the receiver's face.

In, college my friends, guys and girls alike would gawk at how much mail I got from my family. As we would leave the mail room many of them would say "Wish I got mail like that! Tell me if you got anything good." This reaction always made me happy, I of course would share my care packages and the $10 or $20 bill enclosed in a note sometimes went to a pizza party, just to share the love.

I count my blessings every night and I try to hit one small pleasure each night, as not to ever take them for-granted. Tonight will be the notes, letters, and cards I get from my mom. :)

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