Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year

2011 should be the start of an entrepreneurial year for me. I picked up the book "Nudge" to learn some more about making positives decisions for my life, health, career, and empowering myself to become the confident business owner I want to be later in life.

I don't believe in resolutions, but I do believe in developing goals, motivating myself and inspiring others. The New Year is a perfect time, as any time is, to start learning and being more open to experience, risk, and education to become a better human on and for the earth.

I am looking forward to 2011 for all the opportunities and experiences that it will hold for me, my family, and friends. I want to focus on building relationships and maintaining all the important ones my life is already blessed with.

I've experienced and learned so much in 2010. I am blessed to have lived through another successful year. Good luck and blessing to everyone in 2011!