Monday, February 28, 2011

Green Sea Turtles of Maui

This clip is of several endangered Green Sea Turtles that we snorkeled with off of the Olowalu coast this weekend in Maui. These guys are docile and very used to human with weird masks and fins swimming around them all day. One turtle had several bulbous white growths on his fins and eye lids, he looked quite pitiful and as it turns out the growths are tumors caused by the virus fibropapilloma. Here is a good, quick synopsis of the life of a sea turtle and the problems they are facing. 

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Goal: New Recipe a Week

Since cooking is something that I notoriously "hated" so shortly ago and now love with equal fervor I have decided to learn more recipes and cooking techniques.

My latest goal is to make at least one new recipe a week to add to my repertoire of foods I can make and to save Chad and I, both from getting bored with the everyday grind of making meals. I also hope to learn new ways to cook and how to make things even healthier.

I am focusing on dinners right now but may shift to breakfast as toast, eggs over easy, and oatmeal is getting pretty dang old!

I am currently leafing through my own cook books, those borrowed from the public library and my go to recipe site to find some good new recipes and meal ideas. I promise to post any new recipes that I try and find to be delicious!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Favorites- John Katz - Author

This guy says what I think with such prose, eloquence, and intention. 
He's good and I love his stories.